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Constable's The Hay Wain Could Be Based On Wooden Cart In North London
John Constable`s The Hay Wain could be based on a wooden cart parked in a north `equine service station`, an art expert has claimed.  

Neil Titley made the astonishing discovery while researching the history of Hampstead for his book Under Ken Wood and claims the famous 1821 oil painting actually depicts Whitestone Pond. 

The reservoir, which is today no more than an aquatic atoll in the A502, was previously known as Horse Pond and was an `equine equivalent of a motorway service station`.

Art historians have long believed Constable`s inspiration for the painting was the view from his retreat on the River Stour in Suffolk, making the buildings in the background Flatford Mill and Willy Lot`s house. 

But, Titley claims The Hay Wain must in fact depict the unassuming Whitestone Pond because Constable was not in Suffolk at the time it was painted and was therefore `more likely` to have relied on a real-life model much closer to his Hampstead home. 

‹ Slide me › John Constable`s The Hay Wain could be based on a wooden cart parked in a north London `equine service station`,art expert Neil Titley has claimed

The painter lived in Number 2, Lower Terrace, Cách trang trí tranh gỗ phòng khách. Kinh nghiệm mua tranh gỗ Hampstead - about 200 metres from Whitestone Pond - for Cách trang trí tranh gỗ phòng khách. Kinh nghiệm mua tranh gỗ three years between 1819 and Cách trang trí Tranh gỗ đồng quê đẹp nhất gỗ phòng khách. Kinh nghiệm mua tranh gỗ 1821.

During this time he completed the 6ft by 4ft painting, apparently from memory. 

But, Titley`s research has uncovered letters which show Constable was concerned about completing The Hay Wain to a tight five month deadline ahead of the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy without first returning to Flatford Mill. 

On April 1, he wrote: `My picture goes to the Academy on the loth.

I have yet much to do to it.`

Desperate not to rely on previous sketches and memory, Constable wrote to his Suffolk apprentice John Dunthorne and requested a drawing of a high sided hay wain.

But, Titley claims, the finished article looks nothing like the sketch requested of Dunthorne.

John Constable lived in Number 2, Lower Terrace, Hampstead - about 200 metres from Whitestone Pond - for three years between 1819 and 1821

RELATED ARTICLES Share this article Share Art historians have long believed Constable`s inspiration for the painting was the view from his retreat on the River Stour in Suffolk, Tranh gỗ treo phòng khách making the buildings in the background Flatford Mill and Willy Lot`s house (pictured)

He told the
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