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Former Boy Meets World Actress Maitland Ward Makes More Money In Porn
sinstress instagram xxx porn Actress Maitland Ward, who found fame on teen comedy `Boy Meets World`, says she is now making more money as avengers xxx: a porn parody porn star than she ever did working for the Disney Channel show. 

Ms Ward, 42, rose to fame during her two seasons on the ABC/Disney Channel show from 1998 to 2000, is now making a career in the adult entertainment industry. 

In a recent interview with  she revealed how the more risque career choice raked in more dollars than her work as an actress.  

The former Disney Channel actress said work as an adult entertainer was more profitable than working as a mainstream actress. She can be seen (left)  posing in sexy lingerie on her Instagram page and alongside her co-stars in the Disney Channel TV series Boy Meets World (right)

Ms Ward, who sells online content across various platforms, said on average she earned a five figure salary and her biggest month in 2018 saw her earn $62,000.  

`So when people say she had to turn to porn I laugh, because this is a good thing and I`m making more now.` 

And the adult-entertainment actress said she was good at it.

`I thought I`d be more nervous, but I wasn`t,` she told the news outlet. `It`s been way easier and I`ve enjoyed it so much more than I`d expected. And I`m good at it. It feels natural to me. If you talked to my younger, more virginal soap-opera self, I never would have seen this coming out of me.`

Ms Ward recently received two nominations at the AVN Awards - commonly known as the Oscars of Porn, for Best Three-Way Sex Scene and Best Supporting Actress. 

They were in relation to her role in Drive, an erotic thriller that has a running time of three hours and 29 minutes.  


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The actress has raked in several awards in the Oscars of Porn for her role in this erotic thriller called Drive

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